This post was written after I had finished watching the Series: Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes. It is an exclusive documentary made by Netflix Corporation for their purchased members. Now, I will go straight into the plot of the movie script. Note: This may be a spoil so think carefully about reading this As the photo has shown, what is your first impression about the beyond guy. Maybe we have a completely feeling: nice-looking, behaviourial, hospitable or a guy with a bright future, successful businessman, kind lawyer, e.t.c. And the exposed truth: This guy is one of the most wanted killer in FBI list over the time. One astonishing fact is the hand-some man beyond had killed more than 30 women before he was executed by electronicity. It's absolutely incredible. I should repeat that: MORE THAN 30 WOMEN HAD BEEN KILLED WHILST THIS GUY WAS ALIVE. Serial Killer- one definition refered to the man who resembles the mentioned one. In his younghood, Ted Bundy was known...
"If you want to go somewhere, it is best to find someone who has already been there"