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Ted Bundy- A Notorious Serial Killer of Contemporary Moment

This post was written after I had finished watching the Series: Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes. It is an exclusive documentary made by Netflix Corporation for their purchased members. Now, I will go straight into the plot of the movie script.

Note: This may be a spoil so think carefully about reading this

As the photo has shown, what is your first impression about the beyond guy. Maybe we have a completely feeling: nice-looking, behaviourial, hospitable or a guy with a bright future, successful businessman, kind lawyer, e.t.c. And the exposed truth: This guy is one of the most wanted killer in FBI list over the time. One astonishing fact is the hand-some man beyond had killed more than 30 women before he was executed by electronicity. It's absolutely incredible. I should repeat that: MORE THAN 30 WOMEN HAD BEEN KILLED WHILST THIS GUY WAS ALIVE.

Serial Killer- one definition refered to the man who resembles the mentioned one. In his younghood, Ted Bundy was known as a genuine man, more specifically, he was a good example of gracious man, who was willing to help their friend. Had you interacted with Ted, you would have known that was always kind, lovely man. 

The changes occured in his growing-up. One of the very first sign: He started to get addicted to pornography. This was an alerting thing, and the killer started to commit his murder, acted it as a normal hobby. The strategy set by this youngster was extremely clever,smart. He killed women in the north state then moved to south and to the west and east, so it was very difficult and undetectable to conclude who had killed those girls. Accidentally, the cops had captured a drunk man for driving and this was one of the first marks on arresting trail, he was Ted Bundy which was alike the man in the wanted reillustration.


During served for his homicide, Ted Bundy had escaped two times. About the first time, Ted Bundy endeavoured to jump to the ground from his floor to harden his legs and run around his jail to measure the accurate distance he could run. After that, Ted Bundy exploited a chance to escape four-walls room by jumping out the windows. He could get acquaintaned with being cold and hungry under the rigorous weather and living condition, he chose to turn back to the place he escaped. As a nomadic man, he never accept to lose his freedom and one more time, he made a top-roof hole then went outside and disappeared again. After the second escape, he moved to Florida by public subway and public bus owing to the lovely weather there. Extraordinary, one normie will ever commit crimes again if he was accused of doing it before. This white is a difference, he had killed more women after he stayed far away the courthouse, and the most touching homicide was KILLING 12 YEARS-OLD KID.

The last interesting thing about this man was his sense of humor and the Emotion control talent. In his early, Ted was a psychologist and while he was being interviewed for his thought, he tried to made people love him because of his smile, his way of convincing the journalist believed he was innocent. Ted exploited all rational and sentimental level to indicate him as an innocent human-being. Ted Bundy was such a genius bastard.

January 24,1989 Ted was on his deathrow and he said the last word to his family. The video was below:

Overall, Ted Bundy has been one of the most notorious murderer in human's history. An devil incarnate , he loved brain-storming games with cops but those games that he played were full of blood. Over 43 years alive in this world, Ted had to be sentenced death in 1989 and the rumour of Ted has never ended.


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