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Master of The Games

Master of The Games

Still Sidney’s book. I have to admit that Im really interested in the way and the plot of stories that he tell.To be honestly, Im a fan of him.This book has the nice plot, about a big family which is belongs to their ancestor Jamie. Jamie was a man who try to find out the diamonds, he put all his trust into a man with a hope of having help to find the diamonds from him. Then he lost all the diamonds because of dat fucking guy had cheated him on the policy which was written by a fricking language of Africa. Dat man rose the trust of Jamie by sentences like:”Nothing important. This policy tells that you and me will split all diamonds into 50/50 ratio when we have diamonds” and after Jamie had found diamonds, he realized that all things on the papers is completely different, he lost all the diamonds even he don’t have one of them. Jamie really angry and he try to find diamonds again, this time he is successful. Afterthat, he killed the one who cheated him with a way no one can accuse him. He stole all things back. The story was told through 3 generations of him, it is really a harsh stories and I cant even imagine how Sidney can think dat. Like great granddaughters of Jamie were Eve and Alexandre. They were twin. Eve really hated Alex, Alex was opposited. Can you think how a 5-year old girl Eve can kill her sis with a way of burning Alex. Its really really the evil stories. Another example is a daughter of Jamie was Kate. She can callously killed her daugter in law only for a grandson. A life of a woman only for Grandson. It is really an interesting story but it is heartless, I was so shocked by the plot. Broadly, I judge it is worth reading and Im still a Sidney’s loyal fan.  


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