Alec Benjamin ( born May 28, 1994), is an American singer as well as song-writer from Phoenix, Arizona. To achieve the present success, Alec underwent pains, cheating and dis-orientation. Signed a contract with Columbia Record, then suffered from being cheated by this bloody Recording Corporation. Difficult as it was, Alec chose to perform his tracks in Parking lots to gain a following.
That is some biography and early life of the mentioned artist. I will explain the title of this post. Attracted by his meaning behind each song, I really admired an individual who having endured the betray like Alec. His songs is disguised by the sadness, depression, tear, sweat and blood. The first noticeable song he has written is Steve. When I heard this song, I was amazed at the ability and the emotion concealed deeply in this track. He used the images of Adam, Eve and one more character named Steve to tell a story about love between a couple of human. Have you ever seen a single writer that used myth to talk about a love? Alec is.
The second track I wanna name here is Outrunning Karma. Outrunning Karma is another perfect song of Alec Benjamin. The story that Alec wanted to tell is about the life of a homicide who killed a dozen of human and have a dozen of hearts dragged to the Colorado. In some popular and well-known forum, some people refered the man in this song to Ted Bundy. ( You can know more in my former post). He told the story about the life of Ted Bundy in a hollow way but soft and terrifying tone. Killing people but the voice Alec Benjamin used to tell is soft like it is no matter about commiting a crime,
Last but not least, If we have each other- Alec Benjamin released in September 10th, 2019. A perfect story-telling utilized in this song. He discussed how hope, love and a good environment help one overcome adversity. He dedicated this song to his fellow sister and parents, and the repeated chorus is an emphasis in this song. The repeated saying despite the time flying, however, contributed to a manner and maneuver of an upbringing and after ever, this boy is an adult, he used the saying his mom told to him in the early day to talk to his beloved sister. The mom used the same to tell to her life mate about the power of hope and love. Hope and love will help us deal with challenges no matter how difficult it is.
In a nutshell, Alec Benjamin is one the most admired artist. Over his song, we can feel a desperate love and his believe in god, church and myth. Eminem also plays an indispensable role in affecting Alec's Story telling
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